Launching the Ads Status Dashboard

No one likes being in the dark when a major power outage occurs. That also holds true for developers when something happens to AdMob.

That’s why we’re launching the Ads Status Dashboard, a publicly-accessible tool to help you learn about any major outages or functionality issues on AdMob. If a major incident like an ad serving outage is identified, we’ll generally post an outage notice for AdMob on the Dashboard, then provide regular updates until the issue is resolved. If the dot’s green, it means there are no issues.

We’re hoping that this will help you access crucial information quickly and easily. Anyone who may be impacted can check the Dashboard to see the status of AdMob, so be sure to bookmark it and check back when an issue occurs. We hope it helps you stay updated and informed on any urgent issues affecting AdMob.

Posted by Henry Wang
Product Marketing


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