
Showing posts from October, 2015

Updated Guidance on Implementing AdMob Interstitial Ads

We’ve recently made some updates to our AdMob Help Center to help provide further guidance on implementing interstitial ads. These best practices, along with examples of what you should and shouldn’t do, are designed to help developers implement interstitial ads. Mobile devices have limited screen size, which means that careful planning for your ad placement is especially important. Improper implementation can lead to accidental clicks, and our goal is to build a strong ecosystem that benefits users, advertisers and developers in the long term. Our goal is to provide examples which help developers create positive user experiences.  Users should not be overwhelmed with interstitial ads. Repeated interstitial ads often lead to poor user experiences and accidental clicks. Additionally, users should not be surprised by interstitial ads. Placing interstitial ads so that they suddenly appear when a user is focused on a task at hand (e.g., playing a game, filling out a form, reading content)

Megabit: Building a dream with AdMob

Growing up in Jordan, Ahmad Jarrar knew that he was going to start his own company. After working in the tech industry, Jarrar decided to quit his job to work on Android apps. Starting out wasn’t easy but he refused to give up, building a successful company in Megabit. Having grown a large user base, Megabit shifted its focus to retention and that’s when they turned to AdMob. Megabit used Analytics to gain valuable insights into their users, enabling them to optimize their apps for higher returns. Megabit also adopted an ad-supported model with AdMob, generating 5X revenue while achieving a 100% fill rate. To find out more, check out Jarrar’s story here . Megabit’s popular app, Wallpapers for Chat , reached 4.2 million downloads in just 3 months. Wallpapers for Chat lets users customize their wallpapers on chat apps by choosing from a large wallpaper collection. Posted by Henry Wang Product Marketing, AdMob

Catch what you missed at Casual Connect SF

We had a blast at Casual Connect this year. We enjoyed meeting with game developers, chatting about the best ways to monetize their apps. If you weren’t able to make it, below is a video recording of one of our talks. This talk was given by Alejandro Manchado, Google's US Gaming Partnerships Lead. He covered how AdMob is bringing the unique scale and innovation of its solutions to help game developers figure out the right monetization strategy for their audiences, whether that's IAP, ads, or both. This talk discussed monetizing games effectively through tools like ad mediation, plus adding value through new formats like native ads. For more information on monetization, and to stay connected on all things AdMob, follow our Twitter and Google+ pages. Posted by Mike Schipper Product Marketing, AdMob

Gram Games: Growing revenue 7X with AdMob’s in-app advertising

While building engaging games was never an issue for Gram Games, promoting and monetizing them was a challenge. Turning to Google, Gram Games found success with AdMob. By switching from a premium model to an ad-supported model through AdMob, Gram Games generated $5K earnings in a single day, increasing their revenue sevenfold. Thanks in part to AdMob, Gram Games is now one of Turkey’s fastest growing startups, producing original mobile games ranging from strategy to casual, mid-core and more. Check out their full story here . Gram Games’ highly addictive game 1010! Puzzle has over 5 million downloads on Google Play alone. A challenging but simple puzzle game,1010! Puzzle lets users piece together puzzles within 30 seconds and compete with their friends in the process. Posted by Henry Wang Product Marketing, AdMob

A new look for the AdMob logo

We’re making a few changes to the AdMob logo which you’ll see appearing on the AdMob website , UI and our social channels over the next few days. We’re introducing a larger font and a bolder design that makes it easier to see across devices of all different sizes. Check out the new logo below. Posted by Mike Schipper Product Marketing, AdMob