
Showing posts from July, 2007

Getting your forum site to perform well with AdSense

When Amit Kumar co-founded MegaGames Forum in 1998, Google Inc. was being run from a Menlo Park garage and AdSense didn’t even exist yet. Fast-forward 9 years to 2007: Amit still runs MegaGames Forum just as a hobby, but he earns enough revenue through the AdSense program to run a dedicated server and continue growing his site. Amit wasn't so successful with AdSense right from the start. When he first started using the program in 2005, his earnings were nothing to write home about, and it was largely because he chose his ad placement, formats, and colors at random. After recently optimizing his ads, however, Amit was able to more than double his AdSense revenue and even improve the user experience on his site. Results may vary since every site is unique, but here are some tips that any forum site, large or small, can also try out to increase revenue. The welcome box ad Many forums have a message above the fold on their pages welcoming users to the site and encouraging them to re

Can't log in using Firefox?

We've recently noticed that many publishers are having trouble logging into their accounts after the latest Mozilla Firefox update. A number of publishers have reported that they're only seeing a sign-up page rather than a login form. After a little digging and some testing, we've found that Adblock Plus, an add-on that sometimes gets installed with Firefox, can prevent you from accessing your account on the AdSense homepage. Our recommendation is to clear your cache and cookies and turn off the Adblock software before trying to log in at . You may also wish to review our troubleshooting tips for login issues in our Help Center . Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Posted by Rajiv Sud - AdSense Publisher Support

You work hard for the money

It's almost the end of the month, which means that it's almost time for us to send our publishers their payments. We know you're eagerly waiting for your check or EFT deposit to pay your bills, so we'd like to answer some questions you may have and clarify what to expect over the next few weeks. Will I be sent a payment this month? You can check to see whether you're eligible for a payment at the end of July. Just visit your Payment History page, set the date range to 'All time', and find the amount in the 'Monthly balance' column corresponding to June. If this number is greater than $100 and you removed all holds from your account before July 15th, you're eligible for a payment at the end of this month. Can you give me an actual 'end of the month' date? Unfortunately, we can't. You may sometimes see that your payment is issued on the 23rd of the month, and at other times on the 29th. This is because all earnings are audited for acc

More sleep for the AdSense Crawler

Let's imagine that you're the AdSense Crawler. You're bouncing along all over the Internet, visiting publishers' sites, and letting the AdSense system back at Google know what the pages are all about. Then one day, you run into a site that asks you for a login and password. "Huh? I don't have a username and password to this site. How am I going to crawl the pages behind that login?" This is something our crawler sees every day here at AdSense. The result is that your users end up with poorly targeted ads and the AdSense Crawler ends up with sleepless nights, wondering what could have been -- if only it had crawled those pages. We've recently launched a new feature called Site Authentication to take care of this problem. Using Site Authentication, you can give our crawler access to your login-protected pages by passing it information to log into your site. For example, let's say your news site has a premium content area, with articles that only payi

An excuse to enjoy the outdoors

It's summer. It's gorgeous outside. You shouldn't be inside, tethered to your computer, checking your AdSense reports on a sunny Saturday morning. Life is too short! To help you achieve better AdSense-life balance (and, okay, technically to perform routine system maintenance), your AdSense account will be inaccessible starting at 10am PDT on Saturday, July 14th. As usual, your ads will keep running and your reports will keep tracking during this time. While the maintenance will be over at 2pm PDT, feel free to spend the rest of the day – nay, the whole weekend! – enjoying yourself in whatever fashion you choose. And, hey, if you choose to spend it optimizing your account , who are we to argue? Also, to give our international publishers a better idea of how the maintenance might affect your weekend activities: New York -- Go for a walk in the park at 1:00pm Saturday Sao Paolo -- Challenge your neighbor to a game of futebol at 2:00pm Saturday Dublin -- Head out for a pint at

A SiteSearch to behold

If you’re familiar with AdSense for search, then you’re probably aware of the SiteSearch feature, with which users can search through the pages of your site. When you generate AdSense for search code with SiteSearch enabled, the search box will currently default to selecting the websearch radio button. However, a number of publishers have asked if it’s possible to have their search boxes default to SiteSearch instead. It’s a little-known fact, but we’re happy to tell you that it is possible to select this option within your account. First, visit the 'AdSense Setup' tab and select 'AdSense for search' as your product. On the code generation page, you’ll see a sample search box under 'Search box style' that changes as you customize the layout: If you’d like your search box to default to SiteSearch, simply click the radio button for SiteSearch within the sample. Once you’ve finished customizing your search box, copy and paste the provided code onto your pages – a

Mid-day more than midway to success

Note: Google does not sell or endorse any registration kits or CDs for the AdSense program. If you have reached this page after being asked to purchase a registration kit or CD, please know that Google is not affiliated with any offers of this nature. To sign-up for a free AdSense account, please visit is a newspaper website for readers in Mumbai, India which has been in the AdSense program since 2005. According to Gauri Daswani, who was the Assistant Manager at the time, 50% of the site's revenue is generated through AdSense. "Monetization has become much easier with the AdSense model," she says. "To ensure good results from AdSense, it is imperative that we create compelling content which in turn accounts for a good user experience and definitely benefits Google's advertisers." Initially, Gauri and her team relied on fixed ad colors and placements. They noticed that the site was earning a similar amount of r

Selamat datang!

We're happy to welcome Indonesian into the AdSense for search family. If you manage a site in Indonesian, you can now begin generating AdSense revenue by displaying search boxes on your pages. To put you in an Indonesian mindset, we've provided some interesting facts about Indonesia: Indonesia is made up of 17,500 islands and is the world's largest archipelagic state. It has a population of over 200 million, making it the world's fourth most populous country. The largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur, is located in Indonesia and is a ninth century monument. Indonesia is the native home of the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world. Visit the AdSense Setup tab of your account to get started with AdSense for search today! Posted by Jeanie Santoso - AdSense Indonesian Publisher Support

It can be easy being green

You may have heard that we're committed to doing business in environmentally friendly ways at Google. As an AdSense publisher, you can help in these efforts by signing up to receive your AdSense payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT payments eliminate the paper required to print and send you your check, since they're deposited directly in your bank account just days after they're posted to your Payment History page. There's another advantage: you'll have access to your payments sooner. EFT is the fastest and greenest payment option available, and signing up is simple. Get your banking details ready and simply follow the steps in our Help Center . Currently, EFT is available to publishers in these countries . However, please know that we're working to offer EFT in more regions, and we'll be sure to announce any updates here. If you're still hesitant about signing up for EFT, we'd love to hear your thoughts . Posted by Elizabeth Ferdon -